The story is told of two monks who each planted a shrub. The first monk prayed for sun and rain. The shrub died. The second monk’s shrub flourished. Disappointed in the outcome, the first monk asked the second monk what he did differently. The second monk told the first monk, “I, too, prayed for my shrub. But I asked God to give it what it needed.”
When we try to figure out what we need, we want to trust our own instincts. Consequently, our judgment is poor. Or what we think is good judgment may be in direct opposition to what we actually need. When it comes right down to it, I’d rather trust the person who knows how many hairs are on my head (Matthew 10:30) than my own imperfect knowledge.
Our judgments are askew because we attempt the wrong intervention at the wrong time. We don’t get the results we’d like because our energies are expended in fruitless or misguided ventures. We seek God last instead of first.
God has given us a companion who knows exactly what we need and when we need it. How much sorrow we could avoid by consulting with Him first!
And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—The Spirit of Truth (John 14:15 NIV)
Good thoughts. Thanks! It is so easy to think I know what I need instead of surrendering to what to God in all things.
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