Mighty To Save
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing (Zephaniah 3:17)
Now it would stand to reason that if God is with us and He is mighty to save, what can stand against us? Why then do we fear to do what He has told us to do? Yes, Christians die in the service of God. Yes, Christians suffer. They are robbed, beaten, humiliated, pushed around, and sometimes martyred. I don’t think that God ever planned that Christians would be free from the evil consequences of living in a fallen world. Death and suffering are immaterial to eternity. God will preserve our souls. What God has promised is purpose to our lives, all of it, from the heights of hilarity to the depths of despair. God wants to delight in us. He wants to take pleasure in what we do. That he sometimes leads us into uncomfortable situations seems incongruous to our limited knowledge of what love is. God’s love transcends any human example. When we think about it, He covers us with His love, even in the most difficult times. That knowledge quiets our fears, enabling us to rejoice in adversity.